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Sparkling starscapes caught on camera.
Publicado en English ESO.
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Nigeria Maiduguri: Two ‘young girls’ used as human bombs.
Publicado en English ESO.
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Atentos a las faltas de ortografía!
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Naval shipbuilding report set to call for shake-up.
A review of Royal Navy shipbuilding is expected to recommend that more work on warships be shared among companies across the UK.
Sir John Parker’s report may call for more «modular» construction of naval vessels in different locations. Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said the approach had been a success in building new aircraft carriers.
This month Sir Michael announced eight larger Type 26 frigates would be built by BAE on Clydeside. But he has not confirmed that eight smaller general purpose Type 31 frigates will be built there.
The government tasked Sir John, chairman of mining giant Anglo American, with examining how British naval shipbuilding could be kept sustainable and in a better position for exports.
Publicado en English ESO.
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