Archivo diario: 14 enero 2021

ENGLISH 5º (15th of January 2021)

Hello everybody, This is the link to join to our video conference: 5C Starts the class at 11:15. 5A Starts the class at 12:30. You can review the PRESENT PERFECT with this link: And also the PRESENT PERFECT with SINCE and FOR … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en 5º A PRIMARIA INGLES, 5º B PRIMARIA INGLES, 5º C PRIMARIA INGLES | Deja un comentario

ENGLISH 6A (15th of January 2021)

Hello guys, This is the link to join to our video conference at 11:45: You must do these exercises: 1, 2 and 3  page 45 AB And review the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE with FOR and SINCE,

Publicado en 6º A PRIMARIA INGLES | Deja un comentario