ENGLISH 5th (19 of January 2021)

This is the link to join to our video conference: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a00f5b59b7e6e4dbb8743438cfb6f449c%40thread.tacv2/1610468010897?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b34a7ce0-5b1e-4a34-bd6d-b34c8377c566%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22dcdb51e1-3fda-4435-af1c-e926ad1a5310%22%7d

5A Starts the class at 11:45.

You must do these exercises:

PB page 49 exercise 3. Page 50 exercise 2.

AB page 50 exercises 1-2

5B Starts the class at 12:30.

You must do these exercises:

PB page 49 exercises 2-3.

AB page 49 exercises 1-2

5C doesn´t have video conference tomorrow but It has to do exercises:

PB page 49 exercise 3. Page 50 exercise 2.

AB page 50 exercises 1-2

Esta entrada fue publicada en 5º A PRIMARIA INGLES, 5º B PRIMARIA INGLES, 5º C PRIMARIA INGLES. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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